You're likely seeing this message because our library has set a monthly budget on Kanopy to ensure long-term access for patrons. Once the monthly budget is used, patrons can't stream films until the library's budget resets the following month. Example screenshots of these messages are included at the bottom of this page.
Unused tickets don't roll over to the next month when your library's Kanopy service resumes.
Tickets reset to your library's monthly allowance at the beginning of each month. If you're out of tickets or we've hit our monthly lbudget cap, you can still access the credit-free watchlist anytime as well as Kanopy Kids titles.
Kanopy does not operate on a monthly or annual fee, but charges per view of each title. If a film is viewed in Kanopy for as little as 30 seconds, it counts as a “view.”
An alternative to Kanopy is the library's robust DVD and Blu-ray collection. Patrons can submit purchase requests for DVD or Blu-rays to be added. The library's hoopla instant collection also has movies and TV shows that can be streamed with Binge Passes.