Answered By: Matt Beckstrom
Last Updated: May 06, 2024     Views: 781

We welcome suggestions from our patrons on items to add to the collection. 

Before you make a request, we do ask that you consider the following:

  • We do not add items to the collection that are self-published.
  • We consider the format, cost, accuracy, availability, local community interest, and reviews before including an item in the collection.
  • Requests should be made no more than 6 months in advance of a release date (such as the publication date for a book). This is because our vendor will cancel orders that are too far in advance. 
  • Our fiscal year runs July through June. If you request an item published/released in the new fiscal year, we will wait until July to purchase the item so we are using the appropriate funds to do so. Because of this, you won't see the item on your library account as a hold until the new fiscal year. 
  • Any items submitted for request will be considered based on the Materials Selection and Removal Policy (located here).
  • If we cannot add an item you suggest, you can try requesting it via an Interlibrary Loan, or ILL (request ILL's here).

To submit a purchase request, click on the button below and fill out the form.  Your submission will be sent to the Collections & Technical Services Manager for consideration.