Answered By: Matt Beckstrom
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2022     Views: 154

Go to the Library community room page located at:


Choose the room you wish to reserve from the available list.  Currently there are small community room, the large community room, and the Lincoln community room.

For the details of each room, and their features, please refer to the community room page.

After selecting the room you want to request a reservation for, click on the link to request a reservation.

From the screen that shows up, drop down the date box to select the date you wish to reserve, which room you want to reserve, and what your start time is.  Click on the Submit times button to continue.










Next you will be presented with the terms and conditions for the community rooms.  Review them, and click on the continue button below to acknowledge them.








From the form that comes up next, fill out the relevant fields. 

The first name, last name, and email fields are required.  The Group or Event name is also required and will be used on displays in the library and on the website to show who is using the room.

If you would like to request the use of the audio equipment or the webcam or microphone, click on the appropriate boxes below.

When finished, click on the Submit my Booking button at the bottom.

You will be presented with a confirmation screen, and you will receive an email confirming your request as well.





You must click on the confirmation link in the email within 30 minutes of placing the booking!  If you do not, your reservation request will be removed.

Please do not advertise or promote your event or meeting until you receive the booking approval email.


After verifying your email for the booking, you will receive another email confirming your request.  This does not mean that your booking is confirmed yet, you will receive another email when Library staff reviews your request and approves it.

After Library staff has reviewed the request and confirms that it meets the requirements in the policy and the terms and conditions they will approve it and you will receive another email saying that your request has been approved.

There is a link in the confirmation email that allows you to cancel your booking if you no longer require it.