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Last Updated: Feb 15, 2022     Views: 86

Online study room reservations can be done online at: 

On that page, click on the Reserve a Study Room link.  A pop up window will appear asking for the room information. 

Choose the date at the top, then find the study room you want to reserve.  From that room, click on the start time of your reservation, and then click on the half-hour increments up to 2 hours maximum you need.  

Reservations can be made for as little as 30 minutes and as much as 2 hours.

Click on the submit times button at the bottom and read and accept the reservation terms.

On the next page, fill out the form and click on Submit my Booking

Your reservation is not confirmed and will be deleted in 30 minutes if you do not confirm it via email.  You will receive an email from LibCal ( with a link you must click on to confirm your reservation.  After you confirm your reservation, you will receive an confirmation email as well.

On the day of your reservation, please see library staff at the public services desk to check you in.  Give then your reservation time and name, and they will check you into your reservation.  When your reservation is over, please clean up the room, and check out with staff.